Car Paint Stripping

The removal of paint from a car has never been easy. Most methods are costly, dirty and time consuming:

– Hand sanding takes days or weeks, and creates a big dust mess everywhere.
– Dangerous toxic chemical paint strippers create an unsafe working environment, and are very environmentally unfriendly.
– Fully dismantling the engine, windows and all components before sending the car for sand blasting is expensive and requires specialised mechanical skills.

Now there is a better way.

Utilising custom built media blasting equipment Blast & Clean have developed a process to fully eliminate the above issues. Your car will be fully paint stripped quickly, safely and without environmental damage:

– Turnaround time for a complete car is just 3-4 days.
– Process does not use any harsh or dangerous chemicals, is completely dust free and does not create any environmental pollution.
– Your car can be brought to us complete and returned to you complete, minus the paint.
– Car panels are not affected in any way; no damage, etching or warping is inflicted onto the panels.
– The process does not etch the steel surface, therefore primer painting is not required immediately after paint stripping.

If your car requires stripping before repainting, this is a most effective, fastest and safest way to remove the existing paint.
